HUNQZ - The top site for gay male escorts, for rent or hire, massage, companionship, or stripping

HUNQZ Cookie Matrix

Updated 6 April 2021.


Cookie; Entity; SafeguardstypePurposeRetention Period
Google Tag Manager, Google LLC, United States Privacy statementFunctionalCookies from Google Tag Manager make it possible to load scripts from other cookies. Google Tag Manager is purely functional and is not used for the collection of personal data.Up to 2 years
JSESSIONID; Newrelic; Privacy statementAnalyticsThe JSESSIONID cookie is used to store a session identifier so that New Relic can monitor session counts for an application.Session
NREUM; NewRelic; Privacy statementAnalyticsThis cookie is only created in browsers that do not support the Navigation Timing API. When a browser supports the Navigation Timing API, a native interface can be used to determine navigation start time.Session
NRAGENT; NewRelic Privacy statementAnalyticsThis cookie is used to communicate between the New Relic collector aggregating end user metrics and the agent(s) running in the associated web application. A token identifies and correlates application tier transaction traces with corresponding browser traces.Session
_cfduid; Cloudflare; Privacy statementFunctionalHelps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to our Customers’ websites and minimizes blocking legitimate users. Collects and anonymizes End User IP addresses using a one-way hash of certain values so they cannot be personally identified. It is necessary for supporting Cloudflare's security features.Up to 13 months
cookies_accepted; Planetromeo Privacy statementFunctionalCookie that tells the platform that user had accepted the terms of using the site in order to hide the cookie banner. Will be redundant with the updated cookie matrix consent in future. The value is just 'true' there is no user data containedYear 9999
PHPSESSION; Privacy statementFunctional (Redundant)This was used to identify the user on the classic website. It is immediately unset on the backend and no longer used other than identifying that the user has accepted cookies. It is still set when visiting the company information pages due to it using an outdated cookie script for cookie acceptanceSession

Local Storage

PR_SETTINGS:FunctionalUsed to save the users Application settings locally to keep state between page loads
PR_SETTINGS:SESSION_IDFunctionalSession identifier for use in application API calls for authentication
PR_SETTINGS:groups:filter::FunctionalStored filter settings for group members lists for saving state between sessions
LastOrderPlacedUsedThisPaymentMethodFunctionalUsed to identify the last payment method used for purchasing membership in order to auto-select for convenience next time.
LastOrderPlacedWasGiftToFunctionalUsed to identify the username of the account that the user last purchased a gift for in order to display a confirmation upon transaction success
i18nextLngFunctionalLanguage that the user wishes to see the interface in
PR_SETTINGS:hunqzFunctionalUsed to provide an autocomplete list of recent locations searched for when browsing the hunqz grid
firebase:host:FunctionalFirebase-related server details across sessions. No user data. Used for some features in the app.
emoji-mart.frequentlyFunctionalKeeps a list of the most recently used emojis in the emoji picker
emoji-mart.skinFunctionalUser specified skin color for emojis
cookiesConsentFunctionalStores users' cookie preferences